Master List Wait Status

When a litter is born we begin at the top of each master list and contact you via email of the new arrival. You have 72 hours to respond with your intention (get on the reservation list or pass). 

After you pass on a litter 3 times, you will automatically become "inactive" which means you lose your spot on the reservation list. You can contact us to be placed back on the list, but you will be placed at the bottom. Please understand by holding a spot, you are taking that spot from someone else and preventing a puppy from going home on time.

**An example of how it works is below**



1. 4E Kennels (could pull off)

2. 4E Kennels (could pull off)

3. 4E Kennels (could pull off)

4. Janine C. (one more pass until inactive)

5. James S. (one more pass until inactive)

6. Sharon G. (Winnie)

7. Aida L.K.

8. Alison H.

9. Dan H.

10. Bill B.

11. Bill B.

12. Jeneva B.

F1 Moyen

1. 4E Kennels

2. Terri S. (Wants Dixie only)

3. Sarah B.

4. Reanna H. (one more pass until inactive)

5. Kate B. (one more pass until inactive)

6. Morgane M. 

7. Janey F.

8. Alex H.

9. Kendra P.

10. Jillian H.

11. Maria T.

12. Devin P.

13. Caroline M.

14. Joellen G. 

F1 Mini

1. 4E Kennels 

2. Jeff G. (one more pass until inactive)

3. Jordan P (one more pass until inactive) 

4. Abby M. (one more pass until inactive) 

5. Chris and Karly (one more pass until inactive) 

6. Mark J. (one more pass until inactive) 

7. Joel M. (one more pass until inactive) 

8. Jon V. (one more pass until inactive)

9. Lorea D.

10. Julia D.

11. Sylvia L.

12. Jonathan C.

13. Eddie T. - Mallory only

14. Rachel and Ryan H.

15. Rachel V.

16. Trichele N.

17. Tracey O.

F1b Standard

1. 4E Kennels (could pull off)

2. 4E Kennels (could pull off)

3. Mimi P. (one more pass until inactive)

4. Diana M. (one more pass until inactive)

5. Noelle H.

6. Cielo A. (one more pass until inactive)

7. Lejla M.

8. Rocio H.

9. Yolanda G.

F1b Moyen

1. 4E Kennels

2. Jenna S. (one more pass until inactive)

3. Ellia C. (one more pass until inactive)

4. Grant G. (one more pass until inactive)

5. Adam L. (one more pass until inactive)

6. Andrea F.

7. Victor W.

8. Chris S.

9. Lara S.

10. Emily Y. and Will D.

F1b Mini

1. 4E Kennels

2. Colleen T.

3. Meredith and Charles B.

4. Gail M.

5. Marc H.

6. Lysa H.

7. Gul D.

8. Margrit S.C.

9. Hope L.

10. Jing F.

11. Karen and Michael B.

For example, if you want an F1 Mini Goldendoodle, you would select to be on the Master F1 Mini Goldendoodle list. You will be placed on that Master list based on the date of reservation fee received (and/or date of request, if you choose to switch Master lists). Let's say you are #15. When we confirm a pregnancy with a litter that produces F1 Minis, you will receive an email with those details. You have 72 hours to confirm in order to be placed in order of the Master list. If you reply after the 72 hours you will then be placed on the list based on the date of request. 

If no one above you wanted this particular list, you could be #3 on the list (we always take spots 1 and 2). On the other hand, if you replied after the 72-hour time frame, and everyone above you and a few below you wanted on the list, you could be placed at #17, let's say (since after 72 hours, it goes in the order of date of request). 

If you are on a reservation list (confirmed pregnancy) and get notified of another opening, you can choose to leave your first list and move to your second. 

You can only be on ONE reservation list, but you will still keep your Master list spot until you take home a puppy. You can choose at any time to change your mind and move to a different confirmed pregnancy list that has been established, but you will be placed according to date of request and not by date of reservation fee received. 

We will not bump you down if others change their mind either. Moving to a list within the 72-hour timeframe of your “new list opened” email notification is the only way to be placed according to reservation fee received. 


***You will move up the Master list when those above you choose a puppy.***

© Copyright 4E Kennels 2023